Create in Me

"Create in me a clean heart, O God;
and renew a right spirit within me"
(Psalm 51:10)

SEVERAL years ago, I drove across a few back WVa back roads, across Dolly Sods and Red Creek. While taking this picture, I considered how the creek, (pounced crick where I come from), had marked out its own path.

The interesting thing about a creek, is that when the water is high, it hides what’s laying in the creek bed; but a low water level reveals unsightly debris. Some debris, fallen trees and leaves, occur naturally. Other stuff, tires, plastic bags, bottles, they are deposited there on purpose. But debris is debris…and it mires the beauty of the creek and can change the course of the waters flow.

Interestingly enough, Christians have a lot in common with a creek…and when a Believer’s faith ‘ebbs and flows’, it sends a message to anyone watching, and they will take notice.

We’re all guilty of the spiritual ebb and flow phenomenon. When our faith is high, it reflects our trust in God.  When our faith runs low, it reveals odd and end deposits.  Unlike the creek, we can choose some of the deposits made into our lives. What we watch, the music we listen to, the company we keep, our God time, how much time we spend with those we love and respect. These are the deposits we make on purpose. Still other deposits come into our lives unbidden: loss, hurt, failing health, good news, a new friend…

It is during times of low faith that our true hearts are revealed - and that’s not always a bad thing! Its during these times we can tidy up our hearts.

Now, I’d love to say that my own faith is always running high, and that my heart is always tidy and pure, but that would be a lie. Over the years I’ve learned that during times of trial, error, and testing, the junk in my heart was revealed. What I did with that knowledge was entirely up to me…

Have a blessed week, y’all!  

In Christ with Love and Compassion,
Coach Kelly

A few verses for wavering faith :
  • James 1:8: “A double minded man…”
  • Psalm 139:23-24: “Search me, O God…”
  • Psalm 51:12:  “Restore unto me…”
  • Nehemiah 8:10:  “…the joy of the Lord is my strength… 


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