A Month of Prayer

So last month I started a daily prayer routine - I went into my office at the same time and "met God there".  There were a few days, I'll admit, that I did not follow the routine but I prayed and sought God regularly.  The result? Well, to be honest, there were some breakthroughs but then I got to thinking about my intentions. Was I trying to manipulate God?  Were those prayers sincere?  Yes and no.

I thought that if I did what was expected of me, that the results would be the same as if I was praying and meeting with God because I wanted to.  There is a huge difference in methods.

When I met with God because I wanted to, I was excited about leaving my house and going into my office.  When I went in and flopped down on the coach out of obligation, I watched the clock a little closer.

Maybe not the results anyone wanted to read, but the truth of the matter is that serving God is to be a pleasant experience, one of joy, anticipation, and excitement.  When I attempted to meet with God out of obligation, it was not a joyful experience.

Since God doesn't change, the difference was the condition of my heart and intentions.

I still believe that prayer changes things - I still believe that it is important to meet with God daily - but most importantly...I believe that my attitude and my desire have a huge impact on the relationship I have with God.


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