Help Me Get the Cross Right
As I sat at my sewing machine working on a new Grassroots Americana quilt, I noticed how the blocks formed a sideways cross. I grew excited and shared with my husband that this was yet another way the quilts' pattern could minister to someone who simply needed a glimpse of Christian love. You know the kind of love I'm talking about right? The kind that Jesus showed as He ministered to folks' basic and spiritual needs. Because I am a "hugger", it is my prayer that these little quilts will offer warmth as they give the recipient a little hug so to speak...and since each one comes complete with prayers for health, peace, wisdom, and HOPE stitched right in, I believe its possible for them to evoke a smile as well. As I started to feed the quilt through the machine, I whispered a small prayer over the quilt (as well as for my still-under-development sewing skills): "Father, help me get the cross right." And with that small prayer, reality slammed me...