Help Me Get the Cross Right

As I sat at my sewing machine working on a new Grassroots Americana quilt, I noticed how the blocks formed a sideways cross. I grew excited and shared with my husband that this was yet another way the quilts' pattern could minister to someone who simply needed a glimpse of Christian love. You know the kind of love I'm talking about right? The kind that Jesus showed as He ministered to folks' basic and spiritual needs.
Because I am a "hugger", it is my prayer that these little quilts will offer warmth as they give the recipient a little hug so to speak...and since each one comes complete with prayers for health, peace, wisdom, and HOPE stitched right in, I believe its possible for them to evoke a smile as well.  As I started to feed the quilt through the machine, I whispered a small prayer over the quilt (as well as for my still-under-development sewing skills): "Father, help me get the cross right." And with that small prayer, reality slammed me in the chest.

Let me be real here:  Isn't it too easy to look down our holy noses at those who are not as faithful in their Christian walk as "we good Christian" folks?
How easy is it to forget that it was for the weak, the sick, the hurting, the confused, and the failing that Jesus went to that cross we Christians hold so dear?
Isn't it easy to take the Cross for granted?
Do we see it solely as the pathway to heaven?

Or maybe these are just my personal convictions...and if you know me at all, maybe it is just me being too honest and sharing too much...

"Oh Father, help me get the cross right" 

I am looking forward to a new year full of opportunities to, on purpose, Get the Cross Right.
Wishing each of you a blessed last day of 2015 and a blessed 2016.

"Your Life doesn't have to be just needs to serve a good purpose."

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly & Family


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