Life on the Allegheny Front - the series

I am happy to announce that 'After Storms' is FINALLY under final review by the author! 

And y'all...if I've learned one thing about self-publishing it is this: Editing is not fun and can actually kill creative drive! With that said, I've registered for a couple writers conferences and courses to help me better understand this daunting task.

In the mean time, I picked up a copy of book 1, 'Molly's Cabin', and sat down to criticize my own work...instead I found myself caught up in the story! 

Happy reading y'all ~ Jordan

Hey y'all!

Just wanted to take a moment to share a little more about the Life on the Allegheny Front series. 

Featuring the Evans family farms, located in a clannish rural community, the series deals with a variety of hard life lessons and painful choices.

While the characters and story lines are fictional, I choose to 'recycle' a few family names as a tribute to my late parents, grandparents, and great-grandfather. But, once again, the story line and characters are fictional. The situations they face, however, are sadly enough true to real life...

So far, plans for the series include the kickoff novella, Molly's Cabin (released 2/26/19) to be followed by book 2, After Storms (scheduled release - March, 2019). 

For Summer, I'm torn between the exact sequence of release...originally, I had planned on releasing book 3 - Sacred Vows, (featuring Nate's battle with PTSD and his best friend, Emily's, family demise) and then this fall, book 4 - Redeemed by Faith (featuring Nick's rite of passage into adulthood with a twist even I didn't see coming!). But creative flow may dictate that the sequence of release change when summer rolls around :-)

Although I released a sneak preview of After Storms in the novella, I wanted to share this scene with y'all - as a mother to adult children, it really spoke to me:

Rhee’s words still struck a chord with Harrison.  Glancing over at Bo's truck, Harrison recollected how Rhee had moved in front of  Bo, forcing the boy to look at her. There was a look on his face of sheer panic, and his tightly clinched jaw quivered. When Bo finally met Rhee's eyes, Harrison watched on – taking in every perfectly enunciated word. “Benjamin Ora, I’m tired. I’m tired of the drinking. I’m tired of the fighting. And I’m tired of trying to be your conscience. That’s God’s role in your life – not mine – I’m just your mother. Son, you have a choice to make.” After giving Bo time to absorb her words, Rhee had asked him one simple question. “What are you going to do to set your life in order?”  [excerpt from After Storms - scheduled release March, 2019]

Wow! I don't know about anyone else, but these words resonated with me. That Rhee, she must be pretty smart...

Happy Reading ~Jordan


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