Just Released! Redeemed by Faith
"Can life really change people in such drastic ways?" (Nicholas Evans, Redeemed by Faith, 2019).
Hey Y'all!
by Faith is now live for purchase! Here
are a few of my early morning thoughts on the book:
you ever done something that went against your true nature? Something that
eats at your gut, making you question who you are as a person? It happens...and
in Redeemed by Faith, we get a front row seat as life changing
events are faced head-on, but not without questions, tears, fear, and faith.
Books 1 and 2 of the Life on the Allegheny Front Series gave us a good
feel for who Nicholas "Nicky" Evans and Georgette "Georgie"
Chamberlin were as individuals (one is thoughtful and one is selfish; one is
grounded and one is unsettled), but in book 3 we see them morph from self-absorbed individuals, into a selfless and
responsive couple!
Happy reading, Y'all ~ Jordan
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