Jesus, Touch Me Again


In Mark, Chapter 8, Jesus laid hands on a blind man and gave him sight; but the man was only "half-healed". And the all-knowing Jesus asked him "Okay, so how's that?"


This story intrigues me.


Here's a blind man who willingly puts his hand in the hand of The Man and is led out of town to be healed.


Did he follow Jesus expecting something miraculous?


Or did he blindly follow like his friends told him to? I visualize him shrugging with an "it can't hurt" attitude.


But I wonder how he felt when Jesus touched him...Can you imagine his excitement as the Holy Spirit bubbled up in his gut?  I imagine he was excited about receiving some sight, but when Jesus touched him again and he saw clearly? Surely, he went from being half blind to dumbstruck.  


Now try to imagine how it would have been if Jesus hadn't touched his eyes the second time. A little sight would be better than no sight, but this is Jesus we're talking about! He doesn't do anything "halfway" why did it take more than one touch?


In the earlier verses of Mark chapter eight, we have accounts of miracles and OMG events. But take a look at Mark 8: 12, 16, 17, 18 & 21, those say that Jesus sighed in exasperation. He'd just filled thousands of hungry bellies, yet His disciples hadn't comprehended the impact of the miracle, instead, they asked for yet another sign.


“Come on Man, just one more and we'll believe Ya.”


Was Jesus tired that day?

Did He need to get away to recharge physically AND spiritually?




Fast forward to present day. Can we still see, hear, and feel Jesus like we did the first time He touched us?


Does the Holy Spirit still stir in our gut with awe and wonder like He did when we were first saved?


Even as seasoned Christians - or maybe especially as seasoned Christians - it's easy to fall into the trap of complacency. Where our relationship with Jesus is "good enough" to get us into heaven, but not good enough to let us live the life He gave His for us to have (consider Deuteronomy 28:13 or Micah 6:8 - Be the head and not the tail, the giver not the borrower. Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.)




Going back to the blind man. Sometimes, we want instant answers to prayer. We want to see clearly after one touch of the Master's hand. While salvation is instantly granted, in order to live the Christian life, we'll need to be touched again and again.


Maybe being touched by Jesus looks something like this:


Touch 1: Drawn by the Holy Spirit - John 6:44


Touch 2: Confess that Jesus is Lord - Romans 10:9


Touch 3: Believe that Jesus is the only way to God and accept Jesus as the only mediator between man and God


Touch 4: Go!  - Matthew 16:24


Touch 5: Repent, Regenerate, Renew - Titus 3:5


Touch 6: Imitate God - Ephesian 5

·       Walk in love, Refrain from evil or foolish ways

·       Be thankful, Expose Darkness

·       Walk wisely, Filled with the Spirit

·       Submit to one another, Love and respect one another


Touch 7:  Never give up - Lamentations 3:22-23

·       Steadfast, committed

·      Sure footed, immovable

·       Ever learning, never give up




Jesus, touch me again so I can see clearly. Give me the courage to see others, not was dead men walking, but as Your beloved children.


Touch me again, Jesus, and give me a heart that loves and forgives. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Let me never go weary in doing good and give me the strength I need to take up my cross and follow You.


Touch me again, Jesus, and show me how to be more like You and less like me so that Your light can shine through the cracks of this broken earthly vessel.


Touch me again Jesus…touch me again.


Be blessed y'all - Coach Kelly

Your Life Coaching WV
"Where hope + faith = sight...because you matter."



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