
Showing posts from November, 2014

It's those foolish things that make me LOL...seriously

Recently I completed a master degree - big whoop right?  Well...yeah...for someone like me it is and here is why:  In elementary school, I was always a grade level behind  and even then had poor grades.  For some reason, the system did not catch up with me and I was shuffled along, like a hurt lamb in the overpowering herd that somehow managed, somehow, someway,  to reach her destination.  To make going to school even worse, both my hearing and eyesight were moderately impaired...once again, somehow, someway, this was overlooked for several years.  I was evaluated at our local Deaf and Blind School but my hearing loss was not found to be at a level which required aids.  As an adult,  I still question the validity of those tests.  A few years later, to my surprise, my eyesight was monitored and I was given corrective lenses (or glasses as we refer to them in WV), and somehow, someway, fixed the hearing problem too! It was the th...

Ouch! What'd Ya Do That For?

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts " Isaiah 55:9 "A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench, Till He sends forth justice to victory; And in His name Gentiles will trust"  Matthew 12: 20-21 Have you ever experienced a *God-Whack*?  A time when you questioned something or someone only to have God speak directly to you in chastisement?   If you have not experienced this first hand, let me tell y'all what happened to me because of an innate soul feature:    A little history:  Along with this whole life coaching/counseling profession, having studied the human psych, comes a deeper insight into what makes people tick; but even before the schooling, God designed me with an uncanny ability to "see people"; which apparently makes folks uncomfortable.  Several family members have told me (more than once) that i...