Ouch! What'd Ya Do That For?

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts " Isaiah 55:9

"A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench, Till He sends forth justice to victory; And in His name Gentiles will trust" 

Matthew 12: 20-21

Have you ever experienced a *God-Whack*?  A time when you questioned something or someone only to have God speak directly to you in chastisement?   If you have not experienced this first hand, let me tell y'all what happened to me because of an innate soul feature:   

A little history:  Along with this whole life coaching/counseling profession, having studied the human psych, comes a deeper insight into what makes people tick; but even before the schooling, God designed me with an uncanny ability to "see people"; which apparently makes folks uncomfortable.  Several family members have told me (more than once) that it feels like I'm looking inside them.  But since I don't go around randomly analyzing folks, which would just be creepy, I have never understood why I make some folks uncomfortable, its not like I'm a psychic!  So in my own defense, for me, it is like some folks wear a sign around their neck listing their particular oddities or hidden intentions.  So recently,  when God whacked me for questioning something, it was a hard pill to swallow, after all, He designed me with an inquisitive soul right?

So here is what happened:  Recently, I encountered folks whose intentions I questioned. And before you get all self-righteous on me, I'm willing to bet you've done it too.  When this particular red flag went up, the first thing I did was ask God if their intentions were pure, are they legit.  I asked because I honestly didn't understand what was going on.  Thinking that I was doing the right thing, asking the Creator of all things a simple set of questions, the *God-Whack* with Judges 2:22 took me by surprise and was quite humbling.  The verse "I will use them to test Israel…" was the basis of what He spoke directly to me, "I will use whom I will use, don't question it".  Uh yeah - whack - ouch!  

After I repented for what must have been holier-than-thou thoughts, I remembered  Hebrews 12:6 "The Lord disciplines those whom He loves" so I should have felt pretty loved just then!   As I prayed for a non-judgmental soul of compassion, I remembered that God is in control and if His people pray, seek His face, and turn from evil, He will avenge us and move obstacles out of our way. But first we have to seek Him and follow His direction.  And yes, even be receptive to His loving yet awakening correction, a *God-Whack* if you will.  I will be the first to say that being corrected is not easy nor pleasant but since He is God, I just have to trust that He will take care of things.  All I need to do is be faithful to the woman He created me to be...

So when you receive a *God-Whack* (or a gentle tap on the shoulder), please remember that He is a good Father who corrects His children and wants us to live a life of love and compassion toward others, be willing to listen to His correction, and ask for understanding, discernment, and wisdom...especially regarding those within the Body of Christ.  

Wishing you a blessed and awesome day in Christ -

Coach Kelly


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