It's those foolish things that make me LOL...seriously

Recently I completed a master degree - big whoop right?  Well...yeah...for someone like me it is and here is why:  In elementary school, I was always a grade level behind  and even then had poor grades.  For some reason, the system did not catch up with me and I was shuffled along, like a hurt lamb in the overpowering herd that somehow managed, somehow, someway,  to reach her destination.  To make going to school even worse, both my hearing and eyesight were moderately impaired...once again, somehow, someway, this was overlooked for several years.  I was evaluated at our local Deaf and Blind School but my hearing loss was not found to be at a level which required aids.  As an adult,  I still question the validity of those tests.  A few years later, to my surprise, my eyesight was monitored and I was given corrective lenses (or glasses as we refer to them in WV), and somehow, someway, fixed the hearing problem too!

It was the that I discovered reading for fun and realized that I really wasn't stupid or incapable of learning.  With the help of "Nancy Drew", I excelled...well, for someone who was always behind with poor grades, to earn the right to go into "Time and Tigers" reading book (yes, I remember the name of my 6th grade reading book), it was quite an accomplishment.

Here is where the foolishness comes into play:  I managed to "skip" 5th grade, enter into the higher reading group, help the 3rd grade teachers, and somehow, someway, find a glimmer of academic hope.

In 1 Corinthians 1:27, the Bible states that God uses the foolish, weak, timid things of this world to confound the wise...and He used me.  If God can, and is, using me, then friend let me tell you that He can, and will, use anyone He so desires!

The point of this blog post is to share a spot of good news with you:  If you are willing, and if you want Him to,  God can, and will, use you to bring about change, positive change, to your community.  Stop seeking after Him and start doing something! If you are breathing and have seen the sun rise,  He has already chosen and equipped you for start serving.

Have a blessed day and go about doing good - let Him shine through you and you too will be "LOLing" at the foolish things in life that God uses for His glory.


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