Maybe it is time to stop praying for revival...

Visualize what happens after this picture was taken. The excitement, the smell, the warmth.
Now think about what Pastor Johnny did beforehand:
FIRST: he cleaned up the fire pit by raking out the old ashes - not all of them, just the big "chunks" that didn't burn up completely and would only get in the way of the new wood.
THEN: he asks the bigger kids to bring down some new firewood.
NEXT: working together, Pastor and the big kids stack the wood neatly around the center poles.
EVENTUALLY: Pastor pours oil onto the new wood (okay he squirts lighter fluid but pouring oil sounds more biblical)...and he waits a little while allowing the oil to be absorbed by the wood.
FINALLY!: He strikes a match, making sure he gets a good flame...and then tosses it onto the wood.
WOOFFFF: Flames shoot up into the dark of night; flames that can be seen from all over the camp. Flames that give comfort, warmth, and light while holding the potential to completely consume (some marshmallows ever knew what hit them)..and we sit there mesmerized by the flames, contemplating life (and who will win camper of the week)...but as I watch the fire flicker, dim, and catch new life...I have to wonder why some wood is burnt up completely while other pieces withstand the heat...

This process reminds me of today's church:  We pray and we pray and we pray for the flames of revival...but other than asking God to send it to us, what are we doing to get prepared?

Are we taking out the old ashes (junk in our hearts) so that what remains resembles Jesus?
Do we have the strong interior posts in place (values and morals that align with biblical truths) to support any new wood (new Believers) that come our way?
Are we sending some of the "Big Kids" (God-fearing, people-loving individuals) out into the world to bring in some fresh, new wood?
Do we have the anointing oil and match (faith with works) ready for when the time is right to light up our communities?
Is our fire strong enough to burn up the impurities (that junk we may have left behind...just in case...) leaving only what is good and right and true?
Maybe...just maybe, it isn't that God isn't sending revival...maybe...just maybe...we are not ready to handle it...
Oh Church...maybe...just...
Maybe it is time to stop praying for revival and start being revived!
Maybe it is time to stop playing church and honestly be The Church!
Maybe it is time to ignite that junk and see if what's left behind resembles love, joy, peace, goodness, meekness, patience, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control!

Maybe it is time to stop praying for revival...and live like we are revived.

- In Christ with love and compassion - Coach Kelly


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