Stupid Is As Stupid...Posts
Photo credit to T. Asleson Facebook post #wvflooding Normally I don't post more than once a week so I hope y'all don't mind. This hasn't exactly been a normal week here in WV so here goes. I want to share with y'all a hard lesson I learned a long time ago: some people's opinion matters, others just don't. Just because someone can talk or type doesn't give them the right to feed into our lives. It is our personal responsibility to filter the junk out, get ticked for a second (or ten) consider the source, hit 'delete' and move on. Rehashing, retweeting, or repeating stupidity only gives it more power....we oughten not do that! But I'm just as guilty of doing this as the next gal so it ain't like I'm just spouting off about something I haven't beat myself up for. We need to remember that ignorant people laughing at a natural disaster are the same ones who have no self respect or common sense, and I believe they...