Earlier this week a scripture and old country music song, "Looking for Love," came to mind. The verse- Psalm 63:1[a] "You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water." The song talks about how we look for love (acceptance and belonging) in all the wrong places.

Earlier today my grandkids were "building a fort" using leftover wood from some deconstruction around our place. I overheard one of them say "Look what you did! You ruined it." But when I tried to help, the 5, 3 and 2 years olds quickly told me "We've got this Mamm, we don't need your help." Hey, I didn't mind, I was swinging and enjoying watching them apply reason to their project! But they reminded of how many times we try to do things on our own, messing it up, and then end up blaming God for our mess. How many times have you heard "Where was God when...?" or "Why did God allow this to happen?"  Lots and lots huh? Yeah...me too. I've thought it myself a time or two.

So I sat on the swing and watched as the grandkids stacked every piece of salvageable wood they could get to stay in place on their fort. They were very happy with their effort. But I know that the wind or our dog will knock it down in no time flat. Back to square one with a mess to clean up before they can get started again.

And isn't this a lot like our relationship with God at times? We know that He put the answers a lot of our questions in the Bible...but forget to look there.  Going to church for the support and friendship of fellow believers is declining across America while social hangouts have no problem being filled up.  Yet it isn't the local barkeep that is expected to come into a hospital room to pray or give final rights...nope...that's some preachers job.  Yet that barkeep knows more about some people than any preacher ever will.  Just ironic that it is God getting cussed out for not being there.

I had serious reservations about posting this because I don't like to offend folks so if it does, maybe you should consider where it is you are looking for love? The God-shaped hole within each of us screams to be filled up; but the only One who can do that and leave us satisfied is God Himself.


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