Part of the problem or part of the solution

I don’t know how to say this gently – and in the past I've been accused of being too blunt so I've made a few tweaks here and there. But not today. Today I have to be brutally honest. Some of my FB family and friends will get all bent out of shape. Some will scream “It's about time they admit it” and then really get ticked off when they read the post.
Either way, I'm okay with it. I have to be. So before I even get started, let me just say – the best line of defense I can come up with is we’ll have to agree to disagree. But I'm just doing my job.
My thought this morning is this: Christians are what's wrong with this country. Yes, you read that right. Christians are the problem. And here's why:
1) We've become too politically correct.
2) We've allowed the word “from” to be used when the word “of” is recorded in history regarding religious rights. Stop sending cute little pictures asking “Should children be allowed to pray in school?” Instead teach your own children, grandchildren, and church youths that they can pray anytime, anywhere, anyway they please. But first read Matthew 6:1 and ask why it's such a big deal if they aren't ‘allowed’ to pray standing in front of their peers…
3) We've given sports figures and actresses/actors the impression that they are more important than the average Joe – yes, we've given them the voice they now use to discredit our beliefs and call us names.
4) We've demanded that educators take our place in teaching our children basic values, morals, the value of life, and how to respectfully disagree. We've not taught our young people how to suck-up not getting their way…so they demand it;  while we look on in shocked silence.
AND finally, to make matters worse, we have the nerve to get upset when teachers can't turn out  morally responsible individuals that meet our satisfaction. NEWS FLASH:  It's not their job. It's ours.
5) We've lost our spark for God. It's okay for us to claim salvation but don’t do anything to “light up” our communities…and then…because we won't, others are literally doing it for us – and we get our nose out of joint! Seriously, if the extremists are out doing what they feel is “right” and we criticize them behind a screen-shield we should be ashamed.

Luckily we have a simple fix to this problem: Calling all Christians: Get off your butts.

Stop saying “Bless their hearts” when a smarter statement would be “Just shut up already.”

We have a voice; it is past time to use it. Sitting back and watching the shenanigans all around won't make one bit of difference. So as long as we’re here, we might as well roll up our sleeves and get to work. I could put links to scriptures right here for you all…but I’m not. If you want to know the Biblical solution to this mess  – do the research for yourself. Get into the Word, put God first for a change. Read, study, pray, and light up your community with the light of love. NOT complacency, NOT retaliation, NOT near-sighted Christianize. Folks it's time to get to work so we can become part of the solution and not continue being part of the problem.

In Christ - literally - with love and compassion - and a voice to share - Coach Kelly



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