Packing Heat vs. Peace Be Still

Is it just me or has the whole world gone crazy? 

For some reason lately, I’ve been waking up early - really early - like 2 or 4 AM early. This morning, Thanksgiving morning, my favorite morning ever - is no exception. But instead of the peace I normally feel on this day - I wake up thinking about guns and God.

In our nucular family alone, each adult has something to “pack” and I don't understand it. I mean, I get that we are living in a time in history where evil seems more pronounced - but personally, I think social media (no offense blogger) has simply magnified its presence. 

From the beginning of time, evil has been present and walking around just waiting for someone to embody. 

This morning, laying on the couch at 0330, I started thinking about the division, anger, hurt, and deception that has invaded  my family. Then I started - for some reason - thinking about the guns that will come into this house today - and it occurred to me that the weapon I carry is God’s  Word alone. 

And how it cuts to the bone yet brings peace. 

And the life storm I feel I’m in came to mind - again. 
But this morning - this day - I dont want to think, feel, see it. I want “Thanksgiving day-like” peace - especially today. 
Then it occurred to me: in the midst of this life storm, I don’t think I’ve really pulled out the big gun. I’ve talked about it, prayed about it, talked some more...but the simple words spoken by Jesus thousands of years ago: “Peace. Be still.,” have not come out of my mouth...until now. And now, I’m mad at myself for not fighting like the woman I am...with power, with assurance,  with the simple words “Peace. Be still.”

Now why hadn’t I thought of this before now?  How had the woman known by her kids to literally tell Satan to get out of her house not remembered to speak peace to this storm? Why have I allowed the evil that has somehow invaded our peaceful home, to be taking pot shots and get by with it?

It literally took me laying awake at 3AM quoting a few scriptures to realize that I had failed to speak to this storm. 
So here goes everything: 
“Peace. Be still.” Amen. 


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