My Wish week 50

REFLECTION “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32, ESV). IMAGINE THIS The night was blustery and cold. Silently falling snowflakes, melting before reaching the ground, only added to the night’s ambiance. Such a pretty sight. In my office, the electric fire place was flickering in time to the candle on its mantel. Swirling my coffee, I hummed along to the soft Christmas music flowing from my laptop. Resting at my feet, the dogs had finally embraced the peacefulness, too. All in all, it was quiet the peace-filled scene. And I remembered my wish. I had wished for this. And here it was. Some quiet me time. I needed this! But in all reality, it was sort of lonely. Especially when I pictured my husband’s silly grin. Or our grandkids baking Christmas cookies. I remembered the cookie sprinkles on the hardwood floor and could recall how they loudly proclaimed their cookie tasted best. I smiled w...