Dwell with Me week 49

Beyond the Mirror - week 49 - ylcwv-17


The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14, NIV).


“Father, I don’t want just a visit from You.”
I asked God to dwell with me. That was my prayer. I didn’t want just the emotional tug at my heart from a song on the radio. I wanted more - I’d had more. I knew how it felt for Him to dwell with me; but those days seemed distant. Mere blissful memories. What I wanted - nay, what I needed - was for Him to come dwell with me once again; to take up residence within my soul and stay there. I blotted a tear and went on my way. Knowing that God was with me even if I wasn’t feeling Him. But truth be told, His short visits weren’t cutting it.
For days I had walked around wishing He’d come back to me. Wanting, needing, to feel His presence in my life again. Walking to my office sanctuary - the place dedicated to God for ministry, coaching, and reflection - I once again asked Him to come dwell with me. And the Holy Spirit brought a few things to my attention:  First, I wouldn’t invite blatant sin into my office and I shouldn't invite it into His house either. Secondly, He reminded me that I like to spend time in my office because it is clean, decorated, dedicated to Him, and homie...He wants His house to be these things too. And finally I heard “Maybe it is you who should dwell with Me? I came to you as a babe. I lived amongst you. I even sought you out as My own. Shouldn’t the ‘me’ in your blog title be capitalized? Why don’t you abide more with Me so I can dwell in you?”
+ + +
His reprimand drew me back to the keyboard. No longer did I need to wonder about why He wasn’t dwelling with me..I knew it was because He had invited us, all of us, to Dwell with Me...


Daily scripture readings
Worry is a thief
Clean His house
Cling to Him
Remember, He’s got this!
Start your day right!
His Word brings life
Who’s sowing in your field?


Journal your thoughts here
This week, let’s focus on absorbing His word. Him dwelling in us starts by us dwelling with Him.
In Christ with love and compassion,
Coach Kelly
#YourLifeCoachingWV #BeyondTheMirror


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