Mammy's Special Biscuit
One of my quirks as a Life Coach: I look for teaching experiences in real life. Another of my quirks: I tend to put others first - even in the little things. If I never knew (before this morning) how this impacts my family, I do now. Today's little teaching moment came while I was reading my daily devotions. And my husband and our nine-year-old grandson were making breakfast. From the kitchen I heard Maddox proclaim, "We need to make Mammy her special biscuit." I smiled when John answered him, "We will, but Mammy's special biscuit is the last one we make." To which Maddox replied, "Pappy, we need to make hers first." +++ As every biscuit baker knows, the last biscuit is made from the scraps. It's the toughest, less attractive, flat one. The one that should not really be made…and the one I grab first. The one I'll smother with jelly and pop into my mouth as if it’s the best biscuit I ever ate. It isn't. But in a large fam...