My Thankful for November Tree

Hey, Y'all,

Just like most of the world, I'm still waiting impatiently. Throughout the day, I would work a little, watch the news a little; then I'd pray a little, complain a little and start all over again.

We are certainly living in uncertain times. And as scary as the corona virus is - also because of the randomness of its attacks and severity - I'm honestly more 'afraid' to go shopping.

There are no limits to what can or will offend - and that's what scares me.

But ya know what? According to the Bible, its not my place to worry about something way out of my hands. 

I can't possibly understand why an American flag would offend a fellow American; I can just do my best to show that individual what respect for our county looks like.

I can't possibly understand why the name of JESUS brings on a slanderous assault - while profanity is spewed without repercussion.

I can't possibly understand why some people seem to have it all together and others struggle their way through life.

There are so many things I can't possibly understand. And that's okay; we were not created to understand every nut and bolt of humanity; that's God's job.

Earlier this week, I went against my own tradition and put up a Thankful for November Tree (which will later double as a Christmas tree). Until then, my goal is to have a visual of the blessings we've received so far this year and years before.

My plan is that every time I look at this tree, I will remind myself that 'to this point, the Lord has led us' (1 Samuel 7:12b) and I will remember:

    We are not alone 

    We have a spirit of power and of a sound mind - not fear

    We have access to the armor of God to protect us from head to toe

This does not mean we will not get hurt, be deceived, or feel lost at times - but it does mean that we can draw upon the promises of God for comfort and peace of mind. 

And that's something to be thankful for this November.

Be blessed,

Coach Kelly

It is not perfect - its a little messy to tell the truth;
but perfection is overrated and impossible to achieve.


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