The Will of God

Now may the God of peace…make you complete in every good work to do his will…” 

(Hebrews 13:20-21, KJV).

AS morning fades and noontime beckons, I am reminded of how quickly time passes.

A few seconds ago, I was watching the morning news and enjoying my first cup of coffee. Now, chores caught up, devotions glanced at and my Bible beside me…I’m wondering where the morning went.

Times like this, I question how many days I’ve ran through - wasted even - without thinking about my life’s calling or God’s will for it; even at my age! Am I making this harder than it needs to be?  Am I being obtuse? Or is it that I know what needs done but unwilling to put forth the effort?

A preacher once said it’s easy to know God’s will: Just ask Him! Well, I have and instead of directions like he gave Noah or the absolute sign He gave Gideon…I get obscure dreams and newspaper articles! 

But what I want is a-no-question-about-it-word-from-You…like You gave me before!

Wait, maybe I am obtuse…why should He give me more things to do when I haven’t done what He said in the first place? Aye yai yai. 

Prayer: Dear Lord, As we wander through our days, help us be mindful of You and Your will us in this life. Amen.

Be blessed y’all, 

~ Dreama 

#YLCWV #SimpleLifeWV #BeyondTheMirror


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