You hear that?


Whew!! Sticky smudges and silence. That’s what John and I find after the grandkids leave for home. It’s a joke for us to each other “You hear that?” Then, with smiles, we recap the many-many things they managed to get into! From throwing green hickory nuts at one another to Huddy dumping a bottle of soap bubbles over his own head! With our crew, no matter if they’re playing kickball in the back yard or video games on the porch, there’s never a dull moment. 

As for the sound of silence after they’ve gone, I’ll admit we like it, too…for the most part, anyways. Don’t get me wrong, we love having our grandchildren with us; and in way of thinking, memories and messes go hand in hand! And over the past ten years, they’ve made plenty of both :-)

Still, at times, I especially, long for the sound of silence - not the spooky you-can-hear-a-pin-drop silence; rather the tranquil silence of nature. That’s when I can hear from God best.  Here are a few things the Bible says about hearing from God:

He speaks to us in a still small voice - He won’t yell at ya! - 1 Kings 19:12

He wants us to listen for His voice - seriously listen! Psalm 46:10

He has equipped us to understand what He is saying -  yep, even the King James!  John 14:26

He expects us walk where He’s sending us  - then He’ll be ours and we’ll be His!  Jeremiah 7:23

Throughout the Bible, we are given thousands of promises and direction on how to listen to and from Him…We just gotta tune-in and let His Word soothe our souls.

Where do you find your tranquil time with Him?

Be blessed y’all,


#YLCWV #SimpleLifeWV #BeyondTheMirror 



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