Will you say "Oh, don't worry, it's Jesus"

Have you ever wondered when, or even if, Jesus is coming back?

I was watching one of my new favorite preachers and at the end of his sermon, a line from the W&P song caught my attention: "Our hands are lifted and our voices raised to the One who is seated forever to reign." I felt a question rise up within my spirit:  "Is this the generation that will finally remember what it means to have a relationship with Jesus?" Are we the generation, those of us living right now, who were raised up for such a time as this, the generation that will put aside religion and take up the cross of love, compassion, discipline, and power to be the generation that can lay aside the weight of religion and embrace what Jesus died for?

I certainly don't have all the answers, shucks some days I wonder if I have any of the answers, but it seems to me that so many "Christians" are still trying to let the Old Covenant define their right of passage into heaven when in all reality, there is only one Way since Jesus has already done the work for us. So we need to take our now faith and do our job:  believe in Him, follow His example, and love our neighbor; be salt (a preservative, a community enhancer, you know, add a little joy, peace, and love) and light (guide, example - share some insight, encouragement, enlightenment).

As the end of Summer 2015 quickly draws to a close, I am reminded that life too is short and one day Jesus will come again...to retrieve the remnant of His church and my prayer is that our community will have more souls on the other side than we have left here to carry on...cause in our church/home/community:  "Our hands are lifted and our voices are raised to the One who is seated forever to reign."

Have a blessed week - 

In Christ with Love and Compassion,
Coach Kelly


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