Living the Good Life
"If we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ." My Reflection The way my mind works scares me sometimes. I can literally see something and a random thought pops up almost instantaneously. A thought that has absolutely nothing to do with what is going on around me. Take this picture of our Black-eyed Susans for example. The first shot is of them in their prime and the second their final days. Their season of resembling weeds not their beautiful bouquet of early summer. I was amazed by how quickly the flowers went from making me say "Aww" to "Ohh". (If this were a FB post, I would add a smiley face with the aww and a sad face with the ohh...I'm sure y'all understand.) So then the random thought: "Life is a lot like these flowers, so I reckon we'd better live a beautiful and good life while we can...." + + + Picture This Me...