Jesus is enough...I promise
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"This was a Christmas gift to mom from her grandson, Scott. Just one of the precious memories she kept in her cedar chest." In loving memory of Leonard Scott Martin 8/31/1970 - 4/23/2000 |
My Reflection:
"I learned early in life that the words "I promise" can bring a lot of disappointment when promises are broken; so I made a conscious decision to avoid the phrase...because in my mind, promises never made can never be broken. But in real life there are exceptions to most rules. So here are my exceptions to the "Never say I promise" rule: Exception #1: I promise to love my family for the rest of my life; Exception #2: I promise that Jesus has always been enough."
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Picture This:
A few months ago, our church's praise and worship team led us in the song "Christ is Enough" by Hillsong. The lyrics touched my heart and I knew that eventually, I had to share my thoughts with y'all. Well, once I could do so without blubbering. Today may be that day, we'll see. Anyway, there is a line in the song that goes: "...everything I need is in You, everything I need." It then goes on to talk about making a decision to follow Jesus: "No turning back - the cross before me - the world behind me - no turning back..." Mid-song I was reminded of how good God is to His kids. Even on days when we don't give Him our time or when we get angry with Him. He is still good to us. But...still we wonder...
It's doubtful that I'm the only Christian to ever get angry at God or to question Him. And as long as I live and have my right mind I will never forget the first time I experienced this anger. Nor will I ever forget the feeling of Him taking me in His arms and restoring that peace that surpasses understanding. I was in my back yard grilling hamburgers. My nephew had been killed in a car accident. His funeral was over and life was "back to normal..." And for several days running, I was mad at God. My brother was worried about my salvation and I was worried about my sister; and she was worried about her family. Not the best time for our family. But this particular day in May, 2000, I remember looking through the trees, staring up into the clear blue sky and whispering "Oh God...I just need a hug." As I closed my eyes, tears seeping through, spatula still in hand, I leaned back...and Jesus was there. It was one of those few seconds in time that forever impacted my life. I didn't have to plead with Him for forgiveness, I didn't have to petition Him over and over...I simply had to come back to Him with a tender heart and childlike faith that His promise to never leave nor forsake me held good even when I wasn't. I will never forget that day, it was the day that I realized Christ truly is enough for me.
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Fast Forward to 2016:
I believe that we make coming to God for love and acceptance too hard; that we put human limitations upon The Creator. Like many of you, I have lived a life full of stuff: deaths, financial woes, humiliation, broken promises...but the one constant, the one promise that I make to you is that Christ has always enough. He has never let me down - even during these times. When I turned back to Him for comfort, instruction, love...He was right there waiting with open arms.
Even through the trials that we all go through, we have His promise that He will never leave us...we can make the decision to follow Him or turn away but John 10:28-30 says that no one can pluck us out of His hand; and He Deuteronomy 31:6 says that He will not forsake us.
I would love to have an answer to satisfy our "But what about..." or "Why?" questions but I don't, no one does. I can't adequately express how many times I have felt His hand upon my life, felt His gentle urging in my gut reminding me to hold on, that He was making a way...but what I do know is that Jesus is Enough...I Promise.
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Hey y'all, here's wishing you a blessed Wednesday!
In Christ with Love and compassion,
Coach Kelly
#YourLifeCoachingWV; #WVStrong; #BeyondTheMirror
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