Lead me toward rest

Too tired to sleep last Friday night resulted in me
finding this beauty positioned at the end of our driveway
After a whirlwind of activity last week, which ended with more than our normal amount of traveling yesterday, I'm a just a little tired. And I'm sure most of you understand why I'm praying for some rest...

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As I'm sitting here in my office editing and writing, I thought about how much I would love to take a nap. To officially put myself on a timeout. To find a few moments of escape from work and obligation. And my random thought of the day: why are the dogs howling, they have everything they need - food, water, shelter... just not me patting their heads or letting them lay under my feet...And then I thought of God. Of His unlimited strength, wisdom, and power. Of His never ending love for us even when we are just too tired. Too tired to reread His love letters. Too tired to pray fervently. Too tired to fulfill the obligations we've promised to fill. Even too tired to just be nice - (it really wouldn't hurt me to let the dogs in the office for a while would it? Or maybe I'm just too tired to care that I just admitted that every once in a while, its too tiring to be 'nice'?)...and then I have to wonder what God thinks when He sees our life running us instead of us running our life?  I wonder if we are so tired sometimes that we just can't sense Him leading us toward rest? 

Matthew 11:28-30 says that if we go to Him, He will give us rest; Psalm 127:2 calls it 'anxious toil' that we attend too all day long; Isaiah 30:15 says that quietness and trust shall be our strength. The Bible has a lot to say about being tired...with that thought in mind, I think I'll take a few moments on the front porch with the dogs and a glass of tea while God leads me toward rest.

Hey y'all, have a blessed Monday

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly

#YourLifeCoachingWV; #BeyondSeries; #WVStrong


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