Oh woman, how great is your faith?

"The resurrection flower springs up from the ground mid-summer. Just a beautiful flower perched upon a strong and leaf-less stem. She reminds us that hidden beauty will burst forth when least expected.  And once she rises up from her hiding place, her strength and beauty cannot be denied...women of God, you too are set apart to stand out in His beauty and strength."
 - Coach Kelly
I have always claimed the book of Luke as my favorite gospel. But lately Matthew has really been speaking to me. As I was reading chapter 15, verse 28 caught my attention. Probably because I am a mom and grandma and regularly pray for my own kids to be healthy, happy, saved, and safe.

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Picture This:
It was around 70 A.D. And an unnamed Canaanite woman was following Jesus and the boys around town. She was begging to be heard. She was specific. She was purposeful. She was tenacious and she was determined. And at first, Jesus simply ignored her. The boys, on the other hand, found her very irritating and wanted Jesus to scat her away like a stray cat or something.

IF that would have been me, I would have dropped my head in humiliation, turned tail and ran. But not that chick! She was determined that they were not going to get rid of her until she got what she wanted. Instead of getting discouraged and going home without meeting her goal, she kept her eyes focused on Jesus. And she continued to bug Him until He acknowledged her. She wanted, no she needed, for Him to do something that only He could do. She’d seen Him do this very thing for others so she knew He could…and she wanted it too. But what she wanted wasn’t anything for herself - she was seeking Him on behalf of someone else. Someone she loved. Someone who quite possibly couldn’t make the petition on her own. Someone who needed deliverance. And that someone was her daughter.

Now we all know the humiliation of being ignored from time to time. But if you are a parent, imagine how she felt. Her pleas were being offered up for the healing of her baby girl and they were ignoring her. Seriously, imagine her anxiety when the Messiah and a group of preachers ignored her cries! Her shouts and pleas to be heard were falling on deaf ears. But she was determined.  And after a while, Jesus spoke directly to her - and y'all, she had an answer for His question! I can see Him smiling as her faith was verbalized with power and conviction! Personally, I think Jesus was using her as an example to the crowd (and to the boys) on the importance of being steadfast, obstinate, and persistent in our pursuit of God's best for our lives…

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Ladies, too many times we don’t achieve our goals because we stop pursuing them.  Maybe because we aren’t seeing results fast enough. Or maybe like this lady, we are faced with some unfriendly opposition (y'all, seriously, twelve guys giving you the cold shoulder? Telling you to shut up? Yeah…not an easy group to keep chasing…). There are a ton of reasons why we give up on our goals. But if we follow through like this lady did - I believe that our heart's desire is within reach!

But how? One way is to use the GLASS goal setting model. GLASS stands for Godly-Logical-Achievable-Specific-Sight. Here is what that looks like from this Canaanite lady’s example:

G: She came to Jesus, worshiping Him.
L: He’d healed others so she knew He could heal her daughter
A: Her daughter was still alive - healing was a viable option
S: She simply and specifically said "Have mercy on me...and please heal my daughter"
S: She visualized her daughter healed - literally!

But what if she would have given up? What if she walked away when the boys wanted her to?

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Fast forward to 2016...

What if we...
  • Follow her example and stay determined to keep pushing forward?
  • Impact the Kingdom by keeping Jesus in front of us and block out the noise?
  • Continue following Him until He answers our plea?

That is a lot of “What Ifs” but I have one more: What if we set Godly, logical, achievable, specific goals, and trust that they will become our sight? Then can we achieve GLASS goals? Well, I say yes…But what did JESUS say? 

"Oh woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire" (Matthew 15:28, KJV). 

So now I have to ask you...
"Oh woman, how great is your faith?"

Hey Y'all, have a blessed weekend!

In Christ with Love and Compassion,

Coach Kelly

#YourLifeCoachingWV; #WVStrong; #BeyondTheMirror


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