Carpe Diem: Trusted to Seize Today - week 8

Photo Credits C. Lovelady of Winchester, VA 
@ Loveland Pass, CO

"Imagine, if you can, the smile we put on God's face when we take a little time to appreciate this life and the beauty of nature He has given us." - Coach Kelly


“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”
(Genesis 1:31, ESV).



Photo Credit:
D. Kelly
@ Arthur, WV
Gravels poked through the light dusting of snow, mocking its inability to cover them completely; but not the leaf. Instead of mocking or rejecting the white flakes, the leaf welcomed their stark contrast to its own dullness. 

Cautiously, I focused my camera, careful not to disturb the beauty captured by the lens. 

Click. Click. Click.

Immediately scrolling through the shots, I smiled. I had captured more than a snow-laden leaf; I had captured a moment in time that made me smile...


Everyday, God entrusts us with such moments…Little moments just waiting to be seized. When I looked at this week's cover photo, (Charlie’s Picture), it literally took my breath away. 

The clarity of the view magnificent made me want to be there – on that mountaintop – camera ready, capturing shot after shot. But since I'm not inclined to travel, a trip to Colorado is highly unlikely. 

So if I am to enjoy such spectacular scenes, I have to do so vicariously through photos captured by my friends. But what if I choose to only find beauty in the spectacular? Would I be missing out on God’s best?

In the beginning of time, God entrusted us with His very breath. He filled our lungs and set us on our feet. He gave us this life…a beautiful life. But somehow we forgot about His goodness – we started taking Him (and life) for granted. So, then He entrusted us with His Son. A picture perfect reflection of what we were created to be…and eventually, we started taking Jesus for granted, too. His life-on-earth’s story ran from the cradle to the cross. Then from the cross to the grave, and ultimately, from the grave to ascension. Then God, out of His love for mankind, entrusted us – yet again – with a precious gift: The Holy Spirit. 

His Spirit of Truth to help us seize today. This day. To guide us in seeking out what is good. To encourage us to embrace what is true. To give us the ability to love unconditionally. To remind us to look around our community, our family, our workplace, our home…and see, on purpose, the good around us.

As you read this week's scriptures, remember to journal how you can 'see' The Holy Spirit. Don't forget to take a few moments each day to enjoy your life – right there where you live. And thank Him for entrusting us with such a great responsibility…the responsibility to enjoy the life He gave us.

Be Blessed y'all,
In Christ with love and compassion - 
Coach Kelly


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