
Hey Y'all!

Your Life Coaching has a  lot going on and I thought I'd share some exciting news with you!

First off, I am still available for workshops and Beyond the Bully training as well as individual and/or family coaching. For a list of services, see my website  at

Additionally, I continue serving WorkForce WV as a Youth Case Manager/Life Skills Coach  ( It's interesting to me that my first work experience was with a similar program in the 1980's and now - almost four decades later - I get to reap the benefits and enjoy the other side of the program!

More recently, I've picked up a contact as a Recovery Coach for the Governor's "Jobs & Hope" initiative. If you've not heard about that one, here's the link: Basically, we will be assisting individuals and families impacted by the opioid crisis to find work (and other state-funded services). 

Finally, in my free time, I continue writing stories for The Life on the Allegheny Front series under the pen name Jordan J. Patterson (five stories down and plenty more to tell!).

Let me know if you're interested in hearing more about Your Life Coaching WV or WorkForce WV, I'd love to hear from you!

Have a blessed day,

Life Skills/Recovery Coach

"Where HOPE + FAITH = SIGHT because YOU matter"


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