"Let Sunday Stick" Week 19

Photo Credit: D. Kelly @ Grant Co., WV


Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law” (Psalm 119:18, ESV).

Question of the day: How are you filling up on God lately?




This week’s verses remind us that we are to be doers of the Word, to crave it, and store it in our hearts.


Now that was a great sermon! We walked out of church high and lifted-up – ready to face the world.
We had been handed everything needed to share the good news. And we were going to share it with everyone in sight. We were ready – we were on a mission! “Let’s DO this” was on our lips...And then we pulled out of the parking lot.
Till next week then. Our Christian duty was done. Yes, it was great sermon! But for the life of me, I can’t remember what it was about.


Have you ever walked out of church and couldn't remember the point of the Pastor’s message? After one not so inspiring Sunday school lesson, I walked away knowing it was not my best delivery. I simply didn't bring it. I'm almost positive most of the students left thinking “What in the world was that? Did she even have a point?” During closing prayer, I asked God to equip us for the upcoming week. And the Holy Spirit tapped me on the shoulder – He interrupted me mid-prayer – and reminded me that He’s  already equipped us – BUT…we needed to figure out is how to ‘make Sunday stick’.


Make Sunday stick.

What did He mean by that? After some thought, I came up with this analogy:
Church attendance is like Sunday dinner at grandma’s. We’ll sit at the table and join the conversation but what we’re really looking forward to is dessert.

+ + +

Sunday church service should not be the main course in our relationship with God. It should be like desert or an appetizer. As children of God, we have been equipped for everyday life but we need to take an active roll in keeping ourselves fueled up. The difference between Sunday and the rest of the week is that a spiritual meal has been prepared for us, handed to us. 

Sometimes we like what’s being served, other times we don’t. Sometimes we’re willing vessels, other times we’re resistant.
After Sunday, you know, the rest of the week, we have to feed ourselves. On Sunday, the meal is prepared for us by our Pastors, teachers, and the praise and worship team. These folks pour everything they have into us. They fill us to the brim, cap us off, and send us on our merry way. But if we leave church thinking it's enough for the week…well, it isn’t. It's just dessert. 

If we want Sunday to stick, we have some work to do throughout the rest of the week.


Journal your thoughts here

The Bible has a lot to say about spending time in and with the Word. It instructs us to hide God’s Word in our heart. It instructs us to study, meditate, and then live the Word out. But if we immediately forget what was said in church, if we don’t take the Word to heart, if we don’t practice it regularly…surely the church will not grow into a mature body of believers.
Here are a few ways we can make Sunday stick:

+ Set aside quality time to read the Bible – keep a regular appointment

+ Take notes in church – shopping lists don’t count

+ Ask the Holy Spirit to bring scriptures to mind – but you’ll need to put them in there

+ Pray and then listen

Today is___________________ and I am feeling:                    

My thoughts:                                                                         

+ + +
Have a blessed week y'all,
In Christ with Love and Compassion
Coach Kelly



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