Trudging through the Muck

Is your yard is a muddy mess this week? Our is! I feel bad for our pets as they travel back and forth across that mess. I don't know about you, but I think I hate mud as much as I love rain.  Especially that red clay gunk, the sound of it trying to suck the boots off my feet is just yuck. Ewww....But will take more than a little mud or a lost boot to keep me from walking in the rain. I love feeling rain on my face, it is so refreshing.

But walking through the back yard this morning reminded me of how at one point in time, my daily life was a lot like trudging through muckAnd trudge through muck I did.

I faced a lot of hardships, pure crap is what I refered to some of it at the time. I knew what it was like to live pay-check-to-pay-check. I knew what it was like to depend upon WIC and food stamps to feed my family; they freed up funds to help me keep a roof over our heads.  I knew what it was like to face bullying, harassment, and oppression...things which could have destroyed my faith in God and in myself. But then there's God...and He has a plan for His kids...and I learned what it feels like to overcome. I learned exactly what Philippians 4:13 means. I learned that life is not fair but doable. I learned that when we look beyond ourselves and Christ-ward, life is joyful. 

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When you are trudging through the muck, look toward God. Keep your eyes on Him, He will direct your steps and get you out of that mess.  Learn to live above your raising if your young life wasn't all that grand. Grow from those life lessons which you learned so well. Lean on God's provision and grace. If you are wondering what to do while you are trudging through the muck, when your footsteps are slow and laboring...learn to take advantage of the time it offers. Learn to be still before God; to listen for His still small voice.  Proverbs 3:6 reads: "In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Trust God to pull you through. Keep trudging and when you get to the other side, you will love the view...its His promise.

In Christ with love and compassion - Coach Kelly


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