The Simple Things
Leonardo de Vinci wrote:
"Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication."
I doubt that I am alone here but I am willing to admit that sometimes I over-complicate life. Which is odd since I am very organized. I have a notebook for this, a bag for that, and electronic file folders within a folder within a folder. But the problem comes when I get a new tool. When I get something new, instead of donating or tossing the current one, I keep and reuse. So it gets a little complicated trying to find my stuff. I have even coached myself: "Dreama, seriously, pick one bag and make it work for all your projects and contracts. Keep things simple!" But again today, I looked at my cute and functional bags, and picked one, and started moving my stuff... all in the name of organization.
Now I am not quite sure how this made me think of my relationship with Jesus...but it did. So I asked myself if I over complicate my relationship with the name of religion?
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Micah 6:8 reads: "The Lord has told you what is good. He has told you what He wants from you: Do what is right to other people. Love being kind to others. And live humbly, trusting your God." (ICB). Yet, personally, I find myself thinking there has to be more to my salvation than this...right? Surely, I have to do something more than just believe in Jesus, be kind, trust God, and live humbly? But since God uses the simple things in the world to stump the wise, maybe salvation is that simple. Maybe God didn't make it as hard as religion deems necessary. Maybe the bondage of religion is as damning as the bondage of sin...maybe Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is enough. Maybe living to please Him is as simple as trying to live LIKE love those less perfect than ourselves [please sense my sarcasm], to genuinely smile at strangers...and mean it! Maybe trusting Him with our imperfections and trusting that He can make beauty from ashes, is enough to reach heaven.
In other words, maybe turning our tarnished past into a mirror reflecting His perfect love is as simple as believing and living in Him...maybe to Him this life truly is one of His Simple Things.
In Christ with Love and Compassion,
~Coach Kelly
#YourLifeCoachingWV #BeyondTheMirror
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