A Great Place to Start!

This is the day the Lord has made; let’s rejoice and be glad in it.” 
Psalm 118:24 (ISV)

"Okay, let's get this day started!"  I sat on the edge of my made-up bed, fully clothed and ready to start my day. My schedule included taking my son to school, answer e-mails and complete a report for work, babysit my sick grandson, pay bills, balance checkbook, fix supper, get Bubby from track practice. Oh! And watch the new episode of The Flash tonight!  And suddenly, instead of it being 7:00 am – in my mind - it was bedtime. Just that quickly, I had teleportated to the end of the day I had just started! Suddenly, my cell rang with a courtesy call from my husband "Hey sweetie, I forgot to tell you, it frosted last night - you may want to warm up the Jeep before you head out."  And that phone call catapulted me into scurrying mode, and what started out as a busy yet peaceful second day of spring suddenly became yet another hectic morning. And I found myself just wanting to get the day over with already.

Does this ever happen to you?  Are you are thinking "Lady, that's my life every day?"  Yeah, mine too! But here are a few tidbits I have accumulated over the years (and I need to put them into practice more!) that can help:

1)  Start each day with some personal quiet time
2) Plan your week in advance – allowing time for some         
     spilled milk and frost
3) Make prayer and time with God your top priority
4) Set aside some time for something you want to do
5) Learn to deep breathe slowly and on purpose
6) Look for the beauty in ordinary days

There's a lot more but hey, this is a good start actually, it's a great place to start!

Have a blessed week - 

In Christ with Love and Compassion,
Coach Kelly


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