Please breathe on me...again.

I am a firm believer in self-reliance, self-control, and self-development. I honestly believe that each of us should develop ourselves into the best version of "us" that we can be.  To me, it just makes since.

But...according to the Bible, it is only through Christ that I can become the person I  want to be. And that scares me. Not that God can't mold me and form me to look more like His Son but that somehow, the picture I have of myself is not who I really am. I worry that the me I see and the 'real me' are two different beings. That my reasons for doing what I do is selfish or for personal gain.

And this makes me wonder if I'm just going through the motions of being a Christian; that somehow I am outside of God's will doing life on my own.  I can't fully explain it but honestly, it scares me to think that I am missing something. That the works I am doing are being done under my own strength and knowledge, for my own satisfaction. And not by His power or for His mission.

Today our Pastor preached from Ezekiel 37 (the dry bones passage). As he talked about how God breathed life into us (Gen. 2:7) and how Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit onto us (John 20:19-22), I felt an urgency to be 'breathed on again,' to feel renewed, refreshed, awakened.

Have you ever felt like this? Like you just need something to confirm that you are where you're supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing? Maybe I'm just having a moment, I dunno...but right now, I need a wet/dry fleece moment.

Prayers for y'all to keep it real and that your life will be blessed,

In Christ,

Coach Kelly


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