This one's for the boys

My favorite, and I mean favorite, Bible stories are those that show Jesus' human traits. How He threw a holy fit in the temple courts. How He questioned Mary when she bossed Him around at a wedding. And the time He made breakfast for the boys...between His resurrection and ascension - He took time to cook breakfast for the boys...there is something about this one that simply makes my spirit smile.

I can visualize Him sitting on the bank, warming His hands over the fire. Cooking fish over a spit. I smile when I think of how excited the boys were when they finally realized who it was on the bank. When they realized that He loved them enough to share one last meal. Can you imagine Jesus and the boys sitting around a campfire fire, talking about work, fishing, boats, and life.  Maybe it's my country heart but this story makes me cry and my spirit soar.

One day, I will get to meet this Man face-to-face. But until then, whenever anyone asks me why I believe that Jesus loves me...well, for one thing, He made breakfast for the boys, surely that counts for something!

Have a great weekend y'all

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly


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