Your Life...Your Story...Write It.

"I can still see the look in the teacher's eyes as she tore up my spelling test. I was horribly embarrassed and humiliated, but mostly ashamed. But to be honest, I don't know if I was ashamed because I was caught cheating or of my undocumented, but still legit, learning handicap. Feel sorry for me yet? Or maybe disgusted?  Well, hold on and then decide..." - Coach Kelly
I am a firm believer that each of us have a role to play toward promoting God's kingdom; that everyone has something in life that can become a stumbling block or a stepping stone, hindrance or motivation.

Each of us are presented with unique problems. We can allow them to define us or enhance our character. The Bible has a lot of stories where the least likely candidate is selected to fulfill God's plan. Stories where God uses the weak things to stump the wise. Stories where He uses the most ordinary folks to become extraordinary characters. There is even a story about talking a donkey for crying out loud!

For me, it was a learning handicap, a few bad decisions, and life in general. But instead of allowing these things to hold me back indefinitely, by the grace of God, I chose to use these things  as tools. Tools which helped me put a few trophies on my wall. Tools which most recently helped me write a book. Tools which, at the risk of being ridiculed, I share with you good folks hoping to encourage you to keep moving forward.

I mean, seriously, if God will use a talking donkey, surely He will use us too! So what's your story? Are you using it to help others succeed or are you allowing it to hold you back? Don't get me wrong, I am still ashamed of some past mistakes, but instead of allowing them to define who I am, I have repented of them and will continue to use them as stepping stones. As a firm foundation of learning experiences so to it's "Your Life...Your Story...Write It!" and trust God to do what you can't!

Have a blessed Tuesday everyone -

In Christ, forgiven, blessed, and willing to be used for His kingdom - Coach Kelly


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