Breathtakingly Beautiful on this Ordinary Day

Proverbs 8:27; 30-31 "I was there when the LORD put the heavens in place and stretched the sky over the surface of the sea...I was right beside the LORD helping him plan and build. I made him happy each day, and I was happy at his side. I was pleased with his world and pleased with its people." (CEV) Good morning! I am working from the front porch again today, which is nothing new for me huh? But y'all, I just want to squeeze in a few more of these front porch sittings while I can with fall in the air! So I bundled up, made a mug of coco, and decided that if I wanted to do this, I had to make a few changes. Good changes I reckon...just different, but I had to ask myself if I'm really up to enjoying front porch sitting this morning? Wouldn't it make more sense to grab my coco and work inside? And as it does every year, fall challenges some of my life’s perspectives. Like do I really like fall? The temperature changes alone sho...