And then Jesus said: "Dear God, what did I get myself into..."

Photo Credit: B. Mathias (Mathias WV).

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." (Revelation 3:20, NIV)

This past week during Sunday School, I used my youngest daughter as an example of a parent's love for their child. Standing in front of Jillian, I symbolically dared anyone who meant to do her harm to come through me. If you are a parent, you can imagine you'd have this same reaction if anyone were truly trying to harm your child, either emotionally or physically.

In class we were talking about being a peculiar people and how we are to bring love and light to our communities. And I thought of Jesus in the garden, asking God to release Him from the task He had agreed to. Somewhat pleading for a different way to offer mankind a chance for a holy life and eternal security. I thought of Jesus on the cross asking God why He had forsaken Him...The lesson went on and we talked at length about the first and second chapters of 1 Peter and the lesson was done...but the Holy Spirit wasn't.

+ + +

This morning, as I was driving home from taking AJ to school, I started thinking about what it means to go through Christ to reach God. My mind wandered back to Sunday and how one of the adults reminded us that it wasn't Jesus that God couldn't look upon, it wasn't His Son that He turned His back was the sin that was cast upon Jesus, the sin of all mankind (Habakkuk 1:131 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5).

And then it hit me. When we go through Jesus, He is literally absorbing our uncleanliness. But unlike the way I stood between my class and Jillian, He stands between us and God offering us a way to reach the Father.  During Jesus death, the temple veil was torn in two - split from top to bottom - creating an opening for the common man to reach God. And in that space stands Jesus. Standing in the gap making intercession, paving the way, inviting us to go through Him, to absorb His righteousness and His perfect strength as we go boldly to God in prayer. 

Sunday's lesson was a great eye opener for me on the way Jesus felt in the garden when He asked for a different way (Luke 22:42),  when He felt forsaken and cried out on the cross (Matthew 27:46), and how He not only forgave us (Luke 23:34) but made a way for access to God (John 14:6; Luke 23:44-46).

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly

#BeyondtheMirror #YourLifeCoachingWV #WVStrong


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