Sunday Morning Coming Down

"In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land" (Psalm 95:4-5. ESV)

Any of you remember this old country song full of gloom and remorse? I can picture the mess this guy finds himself in...and although I'm glad it's him instead of me...I can still, somehow, feel his pain and wish I could help him find true peace...

+ + + 

None of us have a  picture perfect life. There's always something needing cleaned or fixed; bills in the in-box, some one or some thing to seriously pray over...but even still, I can't think of any one's life role that I'd trade mine for...mostly because I know there my cracks and crevices are, the pitfalls to avoid and the mountains I can climb. 

We all have them ya know? Those peaks and valleys in front of us, some to be embraced others to be sidestepped.  Lord knows that I've found myself down in a ditch wondering how in the world I got there and if I'd ever get out. But I've also been on top of a mountain...wondering how long I got to stay.

How about you? Do you typically find yourself embracing the life you've been given or wishing it away? Are you trying to make the world around you a better place or merely survive? 

If you feel like you are living out the lyrics to this old song, maybe it's time to climb a new mountain; time to climb out of the ditch, shake off the dust, and set your eyes on a new destination. Change can be scary, 
but over the years I've discovered that a good scare gets our heart beating faster and changes our perspective...and sometimes, oddly enough, can actually make us laugh.

So as this Sunday morning comes down, I wish for you to find a mountain to climb and that you'll enjoy the journey...even if that mountain is simply the side of a ditch you're climbing out of!

Hey y'all, have a blessed Sunday!

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly
 #WVSTRONG #YourLifeCoachingWV #BeyondTheMirror


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