My Life My Purpose

PICTURE THIS: I like the term cherry picking. I used it once out-of-the-blue and find myself using it ever since. I  guess  you could say it’s my go-to phrase. Lately, there has been some discussion in our household about various spiritual topics. Some I understand and embrace, others leave me feeling dazed and confused. So I had to ask myself if I am guilty of cherry pickin’ scripture and spiritual  gifts.

As y’all know, I'm a very open person and if I don't understand something I am not ashamed to admit  it. Honestly, I believe the phrase ‘dumb-it-down’ was created with me in mind. If it can’t be explained simply, don't even try to share it with me – I’ll go into my dazed and confused state and your efforts are lost. 

IT MIRRORS  THIS:  Daily God provides me a new opportunity to simply share my faith, to share Him as  the reason for my hope and joy. And while I may never meet my readers in Portugal, France,  and Russia (by the way ‘hey y’all’ simply means hello) I do have the privilege of sharing Jesus with them just like I do my neighbors here in West Virginia. I may not be familiar with diverse world cultures, but one thing transcends culture: discovering our life’s purpose..

REFLECT ON THIS: Most of us have wondered what we are supposed to be doing with our lives, questioning our purpose.  And what if every Christian’s purpose is to live out Mark 16:15 and share (in love not condemnation) Mark 16:16? What if all that really matters is living a life above reproach, loving our neighbors, sharing the gospel, and serving God with a smile? What if all that really matters about being a Christian is learning to be “salt and light” even in the tough times?

You have that same opportunity. To share your faith and knowledge of Christ with those around you. You have the same opportunity to grow in your faith and knowledge of Christ. Your relationship with Christ is your responsibility. Nobody can grow it for you. It is between the two of you.

THE WAY I SEE IT: I try to avoid  getting bogged down with the religious ins and outs (the nuts and bolts) of Christianity – while they are important, it is not my calling to figure them all out. What I want to do is successfully say, in simple terms “Jesus loves you and so do I.” I want to use the gift of my ordinary, real, everyday life to share the love that  Jesus has for us, all of us, while I still have the opportunity to do so. This post is random and my thoughts need focused (I’ll fix this one later) but for now I want to share this: Serving Christ from a sincere heart is what Christianity is really about. Serving others with love, respect, and human dignity should be our goal. Building our relationship with Him is enhanced when we do this. We can’t be self-serving and expect to grow in Christlike love towards others. Our relationship with Christ is about more than what He can do for us…but about what He can do for others through us.

Have a blessed Sunday y’all –

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly


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