I'm afraid I'm weird but...

My Reflection:  
I don't mean to be. And I don't wanna be. But I’m afraid I’m a little weird. And in the past, I hated that about myself, so, typically, I don't do anything to draw attention. As a matter of fact, I’d much rather fade into the background than stand out in a crowd. Yet I find myself in front of groups teaching and trying to entertain as a public speaker (which is hard because as my husband says, I’m most funny when I am trying not to be) yet somehow I enjoy the training workshops and engaging others. Which with my personality, is definitely weird.

For example, my family knows that when shopping, I prefer the quick and easy in and out experience but that rarely happens. I frequently find myself engaged in conversations with old friends or total strangers – something that my husband laughs about because he knows that I’m more of a loner than a social butterfly…yet, chit-chat seems to be one of my gifts.  But still if you were to ask me or anyone who knows the real me, it’s a given that I’d rather be behind a monitor pecking away on a keyboard. That’s what comes naturally to me. Yet there is this other side of me that pushes beyond my personal preferences to accomplish what seems to come naturally.

Picture This:
Have you ever considered the success of other women? Why some of them make it while the rest of us don't? What is the difference?  I’m sure there are a lot of you just like me. Content setting small, manageable goals that we can happily check off our list. And finding contentment here is a good thing. But y’all know that there is something especially satisfying when we push beyond our nature to achieve a loftier dream.

But then again, maybe you find yourself on the safe side of your dreams. That place there something is holding you back, keeping you from even attempting to strike out. Now, what if that something is an internal nemesis called fear? Something that is not from God (2 Timothy 1:7) ? Can it be managed? This nemesis I know personally…and the answer is yes, it can be managed and overcome because God has made a way to overthrow this one (Isaiah 43:16-19).

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Fear has many faces. The face of failure. The dread of being different. An intimating need for hard work. Even the panic of being rejected. Then there is the fear of performing outside personal comfort zones.

Fear can be all consuming. And it can trap us inside ourselves. In other words, fear can keep us from embracing our uniqueness. And instead of embracing a full and out-of-the-box life, we embrace mediocrity. But I don't think that is what God has in mind for us. I honestly believe that He wants us to push beyond the limits we've set for ourselves and let Him work through us (James 2:14-26).

Let’s Take a Deeper Look:
Mary Magdalene – need I say more? Think about what may have came naturally to her. Her role as a woman back in that time period, hiding away in a room somewhere waiting for something to happen, or her personal calling to run back from Jesus’ tomb? Imagine her stumbling over her skirt, out of breath, trying to tell the disciples who she just talked to. Can we honestly think that it came naturally to her to buck the system and become a notable woman of history? Reading her story makes me wonder if she too was weird? Or was she simply willing to let God use her in such a way that went against the natural order of that time period. I wonder if she would have kept running if she knew she was setting herself apart for eternity?

Ladies, each of us have a calling. Something God has given us to accomplish that will have an eternal impact. Not all of us will go down in history, yet we still have an impact to make.  My question to you is this: What can we accomplish for God if we say “I’m afraid I’m weird but…” as we allow God to work through us? Are we willing to blend in and allow fear to hold us back? What price are we willing to pay in order to be His weird daughter? 

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Just a little something to ponder this Sunday morning, have a blessed day y’all.

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly



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