What Christmas Means to Me

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6, KJV).

I had spent hours capturing my thoughts on what Christmas meant to me. It was a 'feel good' piece about family, laughter, food, and music. It then segued into a few lengthy paragraphs about Jesus: His birth, life, death, and resurrection.  

But this morning when I started tweaking it, I realized it was not really what I wanted to share. Or maybe truer yet: It wasn't what I needed to share. 'Write from your heart' was God's gentle reminder.  So from my heart, here is what Christmas means to me: it's about the empty tomb. And the stirring of the Holy Spirit in my gut - someone we wouldn't have without the blood stained cross. Christmas is about God's wonderful gift: the gift of eternal life. This is what Christmas means to me... 

I don't think Christians shouldn't be surprised (or greatly upset) when we aren't allowed to put a manger scene in the town square or a cross on top the tree there.

Why? WELL...if we were speaking up all year long, serving out of love, and actually sharing the gift of Jesus like we should be...I don't think there'd be such a fuss in December. It should be a gift we use and share with our neighbors daily - like a starter of friendship bread! Spread it around, share it, give it away...and watch what you have left multiply and grow into something amazing. The true meaning of Christmas can be found in the 14th chapter of John and Acts chapter 1. 

These point out that Christmas is not just about the cradle-to-cross life of Jesus. It's about His final promise as He ascended home. It's about heaven or hell, life or death, light or darkness. It's about the life we live and choices we make all year long. We can't just put on some Christmas music, strings some lights and all is well with the world. It doesn't work like that. Christmas is about eternity and the gift we've been given to secure ours.  


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Journal your thoughts here
As another Christmas season quickly comes to an end, I encourage you to share the gift of Christ. How can you make this a tradition...all year long?

In Christ with love and compassion.

 - Coach Kelly



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