Somewhere Under the Snow week 1
Photo Credit: A. Berg @ Grant Co., WV
"Somewhere under the snow are footprints of the past.
Imperfections hiding under a blanket of pure white.
Alas, snow melts and flaws surface.
And a New Year has begun." - D. Kelly
2016 didn't teach me lessons I never knew. Nor did it bring challenges never before faced.
AS in years past, in 2016 we’ve loved and lost.
We've laid some angels to rest.
We've smiled, cried, bled, faked, and fought.
We’ve lost friends and found new ones…then lost a few of those too.
We've felt the thrill of living and cried many tears from death.
Yet 2016 proved one thing:
Life goes on
and it moves at a rapid pace.
If we aren't careful, life can and will go on without us.
BUT this is a new year.
So instead of proclaiming this as "New Year, New Me" or "Make it a year to remember," make this the year we ask what's so wrong with the person I am? What should I improve, what should I enhance?
Ask why will this be the year to remember?
We can't plan out the events that will make us look back and say “Oh remember in 2017 when we....”…nah, our story is found in our life’s journey, not in the date.
So girl, take a risk, go out on adventures, make a bucket list, try online dating! And if your this kind of girl: get another dog...or cat!
But whatever you it with pride, raise your head and stop looking at the ground.
Adventure lies ahead of, not beneath, you.
It's 365 blank pages, start writing your story.
Cheers to 2017!
OT: Psalm 37:3-5; Isaiah 26:3
NT: James 1:2-18; Matthew 6:25-34
There comes a time in each of our lives when we take a good look at ourselves. Sometimes, circumstances force us to take that look; other times we feel the need from within. And sometimes, a perfect self-reflection comes only after being broken and then renewed by God. No matter what prompts it, self-reflection is never easy. This week, I encourage you to consider some areas of strength that you can further develop and use for the kingdom of God. Somewhere under the snow is life. Life we embrace or reject. As the New Year enters, start writing your life’s story.
Write the outcome you want to live. Make memories you'll never forget.
Find and take on new challenges. Love others before they're lost. Make your house a home.
And yes…Get. Another. Dog. 🐶 - J. Taylor - D. Kelly
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