Echoes of a Broken Life
Photo Credit: Z. Rexroad @ Pendleton Co., WV |
Winter Week 2: “ Echoes of a Broken Life” | ||||||||||||||
“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come…shall be able to separate us from the love of God…” (Romans 8:38-39).
IMAGINE THISLife didn’t always look like this.
Sometimes it was better, sometimes worse.
But there was always one unbroken remnant of me: Faith in God.
Faith that someway, sometime, He would get me through…somehow.
Life almost shattered me, even tried to separate me from Him.
Ah but it didn’t understand that only through my brokenness, could His healing hand work.
It didn’t understand that, when I was weak, it was His strength that lifted me upright.
Oh this real life gave me beatings at times.
Its despair knew no bounds…or so it seemed.
But then God…through it all…He remained.
Always present. Always loving. Always near.
He stood by patiently, comforting me, guiding me, encouraging me to keep going.
Then, one by one, He gently put the broken pieces back together.
Careful to not shatter, completely, what was left of me.
Finally, through the cracks of this once broken vessel, past the echoes of a once-upon-a-time-life, I can clearly see His unfailing love.
+ + +
Honestly ladies, none of us have had a perfect life. We have experienced our own struggles with personal crosses to bear. Things we regret. Things we would never want to experience again. But it is these very things that have shaped the person we are right now. Even shaping who we are becoming.
During this Winter of Empowerment, it is important to remember life lessons learned. Not to dwell on them as a burden; but to recall how God helped us through those. As we remember His presence, let’s seek the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and guidance on how to persevere. Let’s focus on how to become courageous under fire. MY THOUGHTS
Journal your thoughts here
Take a few minutes to meditate on what your 'perfect life' would look like. Consider what you need to attain and what you need to purge.
What came to mind when I considered my perfect life? To this point in time, what real life experiences have shaped me? Have I accepted these experiences as a part of who I am? How can I use my real life experiences to grow in my relationship with Jesus Christ and help others?
Be Inspired today y'all,
In Christ with love and compassion,
Coach Kelly
Read more at Your Life Coaching WV
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