It is just the blahs

"Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son" (2 John 1:9, ESV).

Have you ever had day when blah best describes how you are feeling? A day when you're not sick, not tired, not overly stressed...just...blah? That was me this morning. I wasn't running late. I wasn't too far ahead of schedule. Nothing jumped out at me as being wrong. I was just feeling blah.

So, as a counter measure, I started counting my blessings.  Being thankful for materialistic things, for my family, and my current life curmustance - you positive thinkers know the drill. But halfway through,  a thought occurred to me: What if all these things were stripped away. What if all I had was my relationship with God? Would my current relationship with Him be enough to sustain me? Have I put enough of His word into my soul to get me through? 

Don't get me wrong, its a good practice to count blessings to boost a blah mood. One I strongly encourage. But my question remains: If all tangible blessings disappeared  - how would I lift myself up? In other words, where does my hope truly rest?

I can quote scriptures to proclaim the Christian answer...but how much I truly believe them remains to be seen. Unlike a lot of folks, I can still count tangible blessings. I can still see positively.  So before I criticize someone who can't, maybe I'd do well to ask myself once again: If all I had was God...would I believe Him to be enough...

Wishing you a blessed weekend full of His best inside...where it matters.

In Christ with Love and Compassion,
Coach Kelly


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