When God Says "Hey!" week 10

Photo Credits: D. Kelly  @  Grant Co.,  WV

“When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, Lord God Almighty.(Jeremiah 15:16, NIV).

Question of the day:
What does it take before we say “Here I am Lord” then wait for Him to speak?


This week’s verses stress the importance of listening to what God is saying.


The road I had driven across hundreds of times stretched out in front of me. I  knew the ruts and potholes, the rocks, turns, and one-sided trees. They were like old friends. Always there – always welcoming.  Forward movement was slow and steady as I glanced back through the rearview mirror. I hit the brakes when I realized that the scene behind me was just as beautiful as the scene before me. I let off the brake when I heard God say “Hey, you haven’t seen anything yet!” And with a smile, I drove forward. Destination:  Somewhere awesome.
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The Holy Spirit has many functions in the Christian’s life. One is to speak to us. Developing a personal relationship with God is a beautiful thing. It requires learning to hear and discern His voice.  Both take time. They require quietness with a pure heart.  Because God wants us to hear Him, He gave us the Holy Spirit. His is that still small voice spoken of in 1 Kings 19 and John 16:13.
During this winter of empowerment – we have discussed various ways to get acquainted with the Holy Spirit. That’s how He empowers us. We become empowered when we get acquainted with Him. Building a relationship with Him and learning to hear His voice takes time  and effort. And when we ask God for more of Him…He urges us to get better acquainted with His Word and listen to His Holy Spirit.
Over these next two weeks of empowerment – revisit the journal entries, review the verses in the Deeper Look sections. Take 2 Peter 1:3 to heart: "As you know Him better, He will give you, through His great power, everything you need for living a truly good life: He even shares His own glory and His own goodness with us!" Now how amazing is that? That the God of the universe loves us this much? Trust me ladies, hearing  God say “Hey Girl!” is amazing.


Journal Your Thoughts here
Do I believe God still speaks to His children?
If so, how?
If not, why?
As a daughter of God, are my thoughts, words, and actions in agreement with the Bible?


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Be blessed this week, y'all,

In Christ with love and compassion
Coach Kelly
#BeyondTheMirror #YourLifeCoachingWV


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