" Who Are You?" The day I fell - Week 18

Photo Credit J. (Taylor) Tenney 

“The righteous lead blameless lives; blessed are their children after them” (Proverbs 20:7).

Question of the day: Without God’s grace, what are we reflecting?



This week’s verses remind us that we are nothing more than imperfect dust, handcrafted by God Himself, and redeemable only through Jesus Christ.

The attack took me by surprise.
We had been trapped indoors for two whole days. The deluge continued as our five-year-old grandson and his 5-foot, inflatable bear,  made their way through the family room. Dragging everything from a box fan to pictures off the wall with them. Did I mention he had a tag-along little sister hard on his trail? Their momma was sick on the couch. My youngest daughter was trying to maintain order while working on center pieces for her upcoming wedding. And then the phone rang. It was our middle daughter looking for a babysitter.
No better time for me to drop an entire can of cat food. Not once…but twice. The anxiety attack hit hard and fast. And a profane word shot out of my mouth…time stood still as the house suddenly became quiet. Mom. Cussed. 
Our soon-to-be son-in-law corralled the grandkids, I shut off the television, one daughter woke up, one hurriedly got off the phone, and one cleaned up mom’s mess…when ushered me out of the house to regroup. Looking back, it was a pretty hard fall...but then God...
+ + +
As I headed out the door, tears streaming down my face, my gut in a knot, I asked myself "Who are you?!” But I already knew the answer:
“A daughter of the Most High God. His kid that falls then gets back up. A woman with bouts of shadow anxiety. A practicing, practical, Christian with faults covered by the blood of Christ.”
That’s who I am. I am not proud of my falls. They hurt. They are humiliating. They show me what I'm made of and how much I need to grow. But praise God for the ability to get back up!
After this mini-meltdown, in quiet solitude I asked Him for forgiveness. When I felt His peace come upon me, I went back inside and apologized to my family. Once again, they witnessed mom fall then get back up. Humbled. Embarrassed. Repentant. Sorry. And everyone in that house knew it was only by God’s grace, strength, and mercy that I can. It takes muscle to pull yourself up - and a lot of forgiveness - so I'm stronger than before. More equipped to handle a little chaos - just not on my own.
Some folks may question my salvation or relationship with Christ. Maybe they’ll wonder if the Holy Spirit within me was napping too. But…I don’t know…for some strange reason…my kids and family…although surprised, were not shocked. They'd seen me fall before. And they'd seen me get back up. They'd experienced my moodiness, hormonal temper, and humanity. The little exceptions to mom’s norm. My norm. Their norm. And I knew it would be okay. My kids know mom is human and they know my many, many faults. They also know that perfectionism is a myth – an unattainable goal. 
You see, any righteousness we claim only comes through Jesus Christ. Because of my falls and His grace, our family knows God as a loving Father who strengthens His kids. Forgives them. Sets them up for success before, and after, a fall. I love my family and they love me, even when we disagree. And so does God. He wants to see His kids succeed and grow stronger in Christ-like character and integrity. So, occasionally, He allows tests – to see how we've progressed. He is teaching us that when we fall, and get back up, we've not utterly failed. And He dusts us off, gives us a hug, reminds us that in His presence there is power, and He lovingly encourages us to continue in the Way.
Journal your thoughts here
Sometimes, falls are realizations. Other times they are revelations. But always they serve to remind us to get up and keep going in God’s strength. Through His restoring mercy.
-Am I willing to admit, to myself, my family, God, that I am not perfect?
-How hard is it for me to admit my falls and seek God’s grace?
-Am I willing to submit to His correction and allow Him to be my strength?
Today is___________________ and I am feeling:
My thoughts:

In Christ With Love & Compassion
Coach Kelly

#BeyondTheMirror #YourLifeCoachingWV



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