Distracted! week 15

"And this I speak for your own profit; not that I may cast a snare upon you, but for that which is comely, and that ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction" (1 Corinthians 7:35,KJV).



This week's verses remind us to stay aware of God in our everyday lives, to seek Him, to make Him a priority each and every morning.

I was ready. The butterfly that had been showing off for me was posed. As the lilacs gently swayed in the breeze, I set the shot. When out of nowhere, a drone-like sound came from inside the bush. The loud humm-buzzzz startled me and I lost it: my focus, the shot, even my shoe! It was, of course, a bee, but not your typical bee. Someone identified it as a Humming Bee. To me it was a big, if not interesting, distraction...and getting easily distracted is probably my life’s biggest nemesis. 

I'll be the first to admit that I have a hard time staying focused. Admitting faults and shortcomings is easy enough; fixing them however, is another story! One of my many character flaws is that I’m easily distracted. As a life coach, I know how to take charge of my thought and spiritual life...it’s the doing that’s hard. 

Let’s talk social media.
Just like any other addiction, the social media craze started out as a new fad, giving us a whole new world to encounter. Social media brings new people into our circles. It became a great way to reconnect. In and of itself, social media isn’t a bad thing. Is it?

Oh! How about quality time around the television?
We can we connect with our family through our superhero shows, right? That’s not a bad thing at all, right?

But, my favorite distraction?  Family and friends!
Yep, I’m really gonna go there.
Can the folks we love, Snapchat or watch TV with, become distractions? You bet they can!

It never ceases to amaze me how far Satan will go to pull my attention away from God! He’ll interject this and that to see what sticks, then he’ll use these weapons of distraction against us at every opportunity. How?

Because he studies us, he knows exactly what weapons to use. Phone, television, family, ministry, job…He uses these things and more to steal our focus. He especially likes to do this when we’re reading my Bible or praying. The phone will ring, beep, or flash. Someone in the next room will turn up the television. We’ll suddenly remember that we have a check to write.

Can you relate? If so, there is hope!

The Bible tells us that what Satan intended for evil, God will use for good. Let folks know you’re with God – they may be encouraged to do the same! God’s Word also tells us that He will provide a way out of temptation – we just need to seek Him out before we give in.


Journal Your Thoughts Here

I don’t believe there’s a wrong way to spend quality time with God. Just do it and let our hearts intertwine.

Here are a few suggestions:
Schedule a meeting with God:
*Log off social media
*Mute the phone
*Go to a place where you can be alone
*Write out your prayers
*Make it a joyful habit – enjoy your time with God

Ask yourself:
*Am I easily distracted?
*How often do I ‘forget’ my daily devotion time?
*Is it easy for me to push my “God Time” aside for other things?
*List your typical distractions then ways to counteract these weapons-of-distraction:

Today is___________________ and I am feeling:                   

Have a blessed week y'all!

In Christ with love and compassion,

Coach Kelly

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