It's About the Fight Week 22

Photo Credit D. Kelly @Hardy Co., WV

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, ...” (Psalm 91:1-16,ESV).
Photo credit D. Kelly @ Hardy Co., WV

OT: Isaiah 54:17; 2 Kings 6:15-19; Psalm 37:12-16
NT: Revelations 3:15-16; 2 Timothy 3:5; Matthew 7:21; Ephesians 6:12

Have you ever considered what it means to fight the good fight?
You know, take a stand for what you believe, and fight God’s way?

The older I get the easier it becomes to shrug my shoulders and let things run their natural course. After all, God is in control and He knows the beginning from the end and all that.

I guess what I’m trying to say, regarding my personal beliefs and Godly convictions…is that if my shrugged shoulders and rolled eyes indicate my mindset…I question just how close I am to becoming lukewarm. I’ve read the book of Revelations…so being lukewarm is a scary thought.

Then there is Matthew’s recount of Christ’s sermon on the mount.
Once again, scary stuff for a believer who may or may not be living in a state of “holy complacency.”

Recently, I was working on a Sunday school lesson and the thought came to me that when all hell is coming against you, look up and remember that the King of heaven is fighting  for you.
But who is fighting for Him?
Have we become a church of lukewarm Christians too lazy to fight for the cause of Christ? Or too busy to take a stand, share our faith, be open about Jesus, and lead those we love toward salvation?

Are we willing to fight?

But then again, when we do fight, do we even know who or why?
Imagine standing toe-to-toe with Satan, armed only with God’s word. Imagine him presenting everything he has on us, all our hidden sins, our deepest blemishes, our darkest thoughts. How do we defend ourselves against these damning facts? How can we fight against him when he has such dirt on us?

Now consider this…do we really know who we are fighting? More to the point…do we know who is he fighting? If we are the lost causes he wants us to believe we are, why is he fighting so hard against us? What does he stand to gain when we fail?

Maybe it isn’t us he is really fighting. Maybe we are simply caught in the cross-hairs of a spiritual battle or power struggle. Think about it: Christians believe that if we have a relationship with Jesus, sought forgiveness, and believe Jesus is who the Bible credits Him to be, then we are heaven bound. If this is the case, and I believe it is, then surely Satan is fighting us to collect souls as trophies. Souls he can only gain when we stop fighting the good fight. If we know that eternity is at stake, why are we so quick to give up? What are we afraid of? Or are we too tired, too lazy, too comfortable, to keep fighting the good fight?

Journal your thoughts here
“He who started a good work in you…” Consider the impact of these things on today’s Christian: depression; anxiety; distractions; spiritual vs. carnal living; the whole armor of God; using what’s in your hand (Moses had a stick, Gideon had a jar, Balaam had a donkey, David had a bone, Esther had a pretty face, Abigail had a lot of food, Rahab had a cord…).

Have a blessed week y'all -
In Christ with love and compassion
Coach Kelly,

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