Her Three Dollar Smile Week 25

Photo Credit D. Kelly @ Grant Co., WV

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and  to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God” (Micah 6:8, NIV).

Question of the  day: How much is a genuine smile worth to you?

This week’s verses stress ways to help bring a smile to the face of others and in the process, give ourselves a happy heart.

The truck is running a little rough. My son-in-law says it’s on its last last leg. I agree. Especially when I notice the fender rust.  I sighed and peered into the side mirror. Yes, George as the grand-kids named him, is looking pretty shabby. That was when I saw her. The lady waiting her turn in line. She had a look about her that made me sort of sad.  So I decided to smile into the mirror Thinking maybe she’d smile back.

Nothing. Her car was nice, really nice. Made me feel even worse for George’s lack of luster. But I knew he’d been a great truck for us - and now for this very reason, seemed like part of the family. I laughed at the thought. George is part of our family, he carries the water balloons to the family reunion, is a safe hiding place for the grand-kids, did a lot of work around the house, and he knows his way around some pretty good fishing spots. I symbolically patted his dash and pulled forward. I glanced back the lady's expression had not changed. She must be on her way to work too. As I placed my order, I thought maybe I’d buy her breakfast. So I did - no pomp and circumstance, just breakfast. 
As I pulled off, I caught a glimpse of her again. Her countenance had changed. She waved so I waved back. Then we gave each other a priceless, three dollar smile. Have you ever felt like you had nothing much to give to someone?

Sometimes we see someone that appears to have it all together. Dress. Car. House. But somehow we’ve managed to let their material blessings fool us. So we take inventory and determine that we have nothing of value to give. It occurred to me that just as I was judging this lady for lacking a smile, she may have been judging me too. Why had I decided to buy a total stranger breakfast? I wanted to see her smile.

Often times we forget that we are all on this earth together...for a purpose. To love one another without condition. To accept each other as humans first. The next time you are tempted to judge someone, especially yourself, remember that a simple smile or hello can make all the difference in the world. Why just this morning, at Walmart, a young cowboy and I had a conversation over choice of ink pens! And we both left smiling - he in his hat and boots and me in my little red dress and matching shoes! But I left feeling light hearted. It was a simple conversation yet one that I am willing to bet God was proud of.

Journal your thoughts here

Diversity is all around us, this week I encourage you to find someone different from you and share a smile and simple hello.
Ask yourself these questions:

*How can I step outside my comfort zone and allow God’s Holy Spirit to witness to someone a little ‘different’ from me?

*Is it hard for me to take the initiative in sharing something as simple as a smile to a stranger?

*What can I do to be Jesus to someone this week?

Today is___________ and I am feeling:_________________________




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