I've Got Nothin' week 23
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Photo Credit: D. Kelly @ Pendleton Co., WV |
"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11, KJV).
Question of the day: have you ever felt empty inside? Like no matter how hard you try, you cannot feel the Holy Spirit or God’s presence? If so, this post is for you (and me).
This week’s verses remind us that we have a purpose and even when we can’t feel God near, He’s right where He’s always been.
IMAGINE THISJohn Anderson’s ‘Just a Swingin’’ came to mind as I sat down at the keyboard. And I almost smiled – almost. Steam was rising from my cup; the aroma should help wake me up. Time to get to work. Fingers posed…and then…I’ve got nothin’. Nothing. No words of encouragement, no sputtering of the Holy Spirit in my gut. I honestly felt empty, done, weak, tired.
Can I use that? Can sharing nothing be an inspiration to my readers?
Me: “Maybe I’ll skip this week – there is a lot going on – surely folks will understand…”
God: “Just finish the race, don’t give up because you feel empty…remember My Word.”
Me: "Well alrighty then!"
Me: "Well alrighty then!"
So I sipped my coffee and watched the sun rise. Praying for something on a day when I’ve got nothing.
My writer’s notebook has nuggets of inspiration stashed inside waiting to come to life. But nothing I felt inspired to share. This particular morning, I had nothing in my head or heart. To make matters worse, neither God nor my notebook’s were speaking to me either. My job, my ministry, relies upon guidance of the Holy Spirit. And for some reason, this particular morning, I didn’t feel Him. He wasn't giving me the help I so needed. To be honest, I felt depleted of encouragement.
Can you relate? Have you ever felt like giving up? Like everything is falling apart around you and you don’t know if you should keep up the race or just give up? Personally, that has been my mindset more times than I care to admit. This time, I actually recounted the legs of my Christian race. The endless hours of teaching. The leadership I shared. Raising my children in church. All for what? If this is the result of all that time spent…why do I keep putting myself through this?
I wondered if I should just give up. Quit running this race. Just live life and let everything else run its own course. And then, finally!, I heard that still small voice reminding me of Paul's comments about running the race set before us. Encouraging us to keep going and renew ourselves through the Word. I guess Paul felt like this too from time to time too right? Why else would he have written the solution down?
+ + +
Many of us are questioning the necessity of this race, so I reckon it’s time to remind myself that God has a plan for each of our lives and that if I give up – if you give up – someone dear to us may quit as well…and then what?
Does the team suffer? Will others pick up our slack? We’re saved and heaven bound so why does it matter if we share our faith? Could it be because our salvation is ours but the race we run is for everyone else?
Maybe it’s on those days when I have nothing to give, that’s the day I need to renew my strength, seek the God of Hebrews 12 and ask Him to “strengthen these hands that hang down.”
I’m sure I am not alone here. That many of you have felt the same way. Maybe even today! My mom used the expression “pull yourself together and get at it.” I think I’ll finish my coffee, enjoy the early morning sun on my face, and get at it. Maybe I have something to say after all, Maybe, just maybe, I can finish this race..
Journal your thoughts here
This week, let’s think about ways we can up our game – finish this race with confidence. Maybe it is to find a different place for quiet reflection. Reread the Psalms. Or regroup by taking a personal day!
Today is___________________ and I am feeling:
My thoughts:
In Christ with love and compassion
~Coach Kelly
~Coach Kelly
#YourLifeCoachingWV #BeyondTheMirror
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